2025 5th International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy Internet (SGEI 2025)


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David Wenzhong Gao

Professor, Department Chair, IEEE Fellow

University of Denver, USA

David Wenzhong Gao received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering, specializing in electric power engineering, from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 1999 and 2002, respectively.

He is a Full Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of Renewable Energy and Power Electronics Laboratory at the University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA. He teaches courses such as Renewable and Efficient Power and Energy Systems, Power Generation, Operation and Control, Power System Protection. He has conducted extensive research in areas of power and energy systems including renewable energies, microgrids, distributed generation, smart grid, power delivery, power electronics application, power system protection, power system restructuring, and hybrid electric vehicles. He has published more than one hundred fifty refereed technical papers in international journals and conferences. He has co-authored a book entitled “Modern Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” published by John Wiley & Sons in United Kingdom. His research has been funded by many funding agencies and sponsors including US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US Army Research Office, US Office of Naval Research, Tennessee Valley Authority, US Electric Power Research Institute. In 2009, he won the prestigious US National Science Foundation CAREER award for wind power research. He received the Best Paper Award in the Complex Systems Track at the 2002 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Jan. 2002. Since June 2003, Dr. Gao has been a Senior Member of the IEEE till 2021 when he was named a Fellow of IEEE.

Dr. Gao currently serves as an Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, an Associate Editor for the IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, and he has been an active Reviewer of leading journals and conferences such as the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, the IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS; IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. He currently serves as the Secretary of IEEE Power Electronics Society Denver Section. He has been active in various technical committees of IEEE societies and conference organizing committees. He is a member of the Power and Energy Education Committee (PEEC) of IEEE PES (Power and Energy Society). He served as General Chair to host 2012 IEEE Symposium on Power Electronics and Machines in Wind Applications (PEMWA) in Denver, CO, USA. He was a Technical Co-chair for IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, held in Dearborn, MI, USA, September 7-11, 2009. He was also a Technical Program Co-chair in the Organizing Committee of 2013 IEEE GreenTech Conference held in Denver, April 2013. He will serve as the General Chair to host North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2016), September 18-20, 2016, Denver, USA. Dr. Gao has been invited to serve on the grant review panel for many funding agencies including the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.


Xiangjun Li

Professor, IET Fellow, CAA Fellow

China Electric Power Research Institute, China

Xiangjun Li (M’06–SM’12) received the Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the Kitami Institute of Technology (KIT), Kitami, Japan, in March 2006. He is the Director of Energy Storage System Integration and Configuration Technology Research Lab. Energy Storage and Electrotechnics Dept. at the China Electric Power Research Institute, Since Jun. 2019-now. He is a Fellow of IET, chartered engineer of UK, and is one of the senior members of CSEE, CAS, and CES, etc. Prior to join the China Electric Power Research Institute in Mar. 2010, he was the Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Assistant Research Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, (2008.1–2010.3), the Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), Daejeon, Korea (2006.5–2007.12), respectively. His current research interests include the topic of digital intelligence/ planning configuration/ integration/ SCADA/ operation control/ application technologies for energy storage system/stations, distributed generation systems, electric vehicle, and micro-grids. He has published over 150 technical papers, over 120 patents, and 6 books. He was the recipient of the Advanced Individual in Science and Technology Work Award of State Grid Corporation of China, the CSEE China Electric Power Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker Award, First Batch Excellent Individuals in the Energy Storage Field of China-EU Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation, National Energy Administration of China, and IEEE PES China Satellite Technology Committee Distinguished Individual Contribution Award.

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Sri Niwas Singh

Professor, IEEE Fellow

ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior (MP), India

Prof S. N. Singh is working as Director, Atal Bihari Bajpayee- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior (MP), India (on leave from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India). Before joining IIT Kanpur as Associate Professor, Dr Singh worked with UP State Electricity Board as Assistant Engineer from 1988 to 1996, with Roorkee University (now IIT Roorkee) as Assistant Professor from 1996 to 2000 and with Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand as Assistant Professor from 2001 to 2002. He was Vice-Chancellor of Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology Gorakhpur during April 2017 to July 2020. Dr Singh received several awards including Young Engineer Award 2000 of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Khosla Research Award of IIT Roorkee, and Young Engineer Award of CBIP New Delhi (India), 1996. Prof Singh is receipt of Humboldt Fellowship of Germany (2005, 2007) and Ottomonsted Fellowship of Denmark (2009-10). Prof Singh became first Asian to receive 2013 IEEE Educational Activity Board Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education. He is also a recipient of INAE Outstanding Teacher Award 2016 and IEEE R10 region (Asia-Pacific) Outstanding Volunteer Award 2016. Dr Singh is appointed as IEEE Distinguish Lecturer of Power & Energy Society from 2019 and Industry application Society for 2019-2021. He is also a recipient of NPSC 2020 Academic Excellence Award and 2021 IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) Outstanding Educator/ Mentor Award. 

His research interests include power system restructuring, FACTS, power system optimization & control, security analysis, wind power, etc. Prof Singh has published more than 550 papers (h-index=62, Citation=15k+) in International/ national journals/conferences and supervised 42 PhD (9 PhD under progress). He has written 33 book-chapters, 18 edited books and 2 text-books.  His two NPTEL (YouTube) video lectures on HVDC Transmission and Power System Operation & Control are very popular.

Prof Singh was Chairman, IEEE UP Section for 2013-2014, IEEE R10 (Asia-Pacific) Conference & Technical Seminar Coordinator (2015-2018) and R10 Vice-Chair, Technical Activities (2019-2020). He was India Council Chair from 2019 to 2020. He is IEEE R10 PES Chapters Coordinator (West Zone), India. Dr Singh is Fellows of IEEE (USA), IET (UK), INAE, IE(I), AAIA, AIIA, IETE, AvH.


Ting Yang

Tianjin University, China

Prof. Ting Yang, doctoral supervisor, is a discipline leader in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. He is the deputy director of the national "distributed energy and micro grid" international science and technology cooperation base and the deputy director of Tianjin "Energy Internet” International Joint Research Center. As the largest contributor, he has won two provincial and departmental science and technology progress awards and some enterprise science and technology progress awards. He has published more than 100 SCI/EI papers, 4 monographs and 2 international invention patents in top academic journals in China and abroad. He has served as the session chair of several IEEE international conferences. He also served as the editor in chief or member of the Editorial Committee of several SCI journals. He is the special editor in chief of "Application of artificial intelligence in power system and energy Internet"(which won him the "Outstanding Special Editor Award" in 2018) of “Journal of Power System Automation”, and the special editor in chief of "Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things (UPIOT)" of “Journal of Power Construction”. He is now the deputy director of circuit and system branch of China Electronics Society, the national director of sensor sub committee of China Instrumentation Society and a member of the theoretical electrician special committee of China Electrical Engineering Society.


Weinan Gao

Professor, IEEE Senior Member

Northeastern University, China

Weinan Gao received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from New York University, Brooklyn, NY, USA. He is a Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries at Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA, an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA, and a Visiting Professor of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory (MERL), Cambridge, MA, USA. His research interests include reinforcement learning, adaptive dynamic programming (ADP), optimal control, cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC), intelligent transportation systems, sampled-data control systems, and output regulation theory. Prof. Gao is the recipient of the best paper award in IEEE Data Driven Control and Learning Systems (DDCLS) Conference in 2023, IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR) in 2018 and the David Goodman Research Award at New York University in 2019. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Control Engineering Practice, Neurocomputing and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, a member of Editorial Board of Neural Computing and Applications, and a Technical Committee member in IEEE Control Systems Society on Nonlinear Systems and Control, IFAC TC 1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems, and CAAI Industrial Artificial Intelligence.